Fat Burning Vest

$39.95 $55.99

This sauna vest helps you to burn more fat than regular gym clothing!

If you often feel your normal gym workouts aren’t targeting your fat-filled core area, it may be time to look for a helping hand. By this, we don’t mean hiring a personal trainer or finding a new gym buddy. Instead, make your clothing do the work for you. The Fat Burning Vest provides a simple way to increase core sweating during exercise and everyday activities to burn more fat.

Unlike normal gym clothes, fat burning vest has been designed to increase sweating and prevent heat from escaping your core areas. By doing so, it accelerates the fat burning process, allows more harmful fats to be sweat out and helps you achieve your weight loss goal in a shorter period of time.

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The vest is made from neoprene to give a tight, sweat-inducing fit, yet it will remain always comfortable, even during the toughest workouts. You’ll also find a central zip to make the fitting and removal processes a lot easier than vest versions which require pulling over the head.

In addition to increased levels of sweating, this vest helps you maintain correct posture in the gym and throughout the day. This will, of course, alleviate any lower back pain you may be experiencing. And, as an additional benefit, the vest also delivers an extra workout for your abs when worn as you go about your daily business.



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